Friday, February 19, 2016

What Qualities Make a Good Welder?

What exactly you should look for in your potential welders? These are traits that help you decide who are more attractive in the candidate pools, who have more advantages to win in the recruitment competition. 


1. Dependability

Find for employees you can trust to do their jobs correctly and consistently. They come to work prepared and punctually, and complete their work without constant supervision. Another main aspect of dependability is responsibility. A good employee is someone you can trust to be honest, safe and concerned about others’ well-being. 

2. Sociability

Being a worker means being part of a team, so being sociable is an essential trait of a good employee. They must be able to get along with their peers and supervisors. 

3. Initiative

Those with initiative are willing to get out of the box, begin assignments without being asked, and go beyond the minimum expectations. A worker’s initiative is a way for you to gauge the worker’s passion for welding and their ability to  handle more complicated tasks. 

4. Ability to communicate

Communication is closely related to sociability. A productive, safe laborforce is a closely integrated team that can effectively communicate both verbally and in writing. Effective verbal communication means speaking clearly, concisely, with correct grammar, complete thoughts, maintaining a confident, enthusiastic tone. Writing effectively requires correct grammar, correct spelling and concise, legible writing. 

5. Ability to read

Good welders are able to read written information and instructions well. They also need be able to read the industry specific terminology, measurements and such documents as blue prints, graphs, charts. 

6. Problem solving skills

Just like other workers in the skilled trades, welders are required to be great problem solvers who care for details. They have to discover flaws with designs and materials, deal with broken areas, and know how to repair worn part or/ and equipment.

7. Math skills

Knowledge of math is among most-sought skill sets. There are numerous math skills applications required by welding positions – for example, determining welding angles, selecting the proper electrode diameter, calculating deposition rates, etc.

8. Science skills

Like math, science is a coveted skill by employers. Give plus point to job candidates with understanding of metallurgy. Employees that know about metallurgy not only know how to weld metals but also know why welding works, what metals can be combined and how the metals will react to applications and environments. Also, employers are interested in workers that can solve problems by applying the scientific method. 

9. Knowledge of existing codes

Knowing existing welding codes and code skills shows the candidate’s diverse abilities as a welder and their dedication to expanding their skill base. This also shows that they have initiative. The candidate with knowledge of codes specifically needed by a potential employer will earn an immediate advantage over other applicants for that job. 

10. Knowledge of welding

Of course, knowing how to use a welding tool effectively is the most critical of all the skills on this list. 

VMST is committed to supplying you with right welding manpower. For any demand for Vietnamese welders, don’t hesitate to contact us:, (+84) 949 594 116.


  1. The coating behavior of aluminum alloy lost foam castingcasting ( LFC) process has been investigated.

  2. It is not necessary that a proper qualification and certificate helps to make a good Industrial control panel as if you are fully dedicated towards your work and have strong commands over the welding tools and if you are communicating well with your social workers and provides a problem solution to their problems than the day is not far to be a good welder.
